
Whova is the official App for PHMAP2023.

The conference program is now available on Whova! Attendees can create your own personalized itinerary within the Whova platform. This feature allows you to tailor your conference experience to best fit your interests and needs, and access the conference proceedings via Whova.

Do not miss to download the Whova app to your smartphone or other devices before arriving at the conference. Simply log into Whova, browse through the sessions, and add your preferred ones to your itinerary. Plan ahead and make the most out of our engaging sessions!

Get our official event app,
For Blackberry or Windows Phone, Click here
For feature details, visit Whova

Program Book(Last update: 2023/9/5) 

Program book

In line with our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility, we have chosen not to print the Program Book for this conference.

We kindly ask all attendees to download the electronic Program Book in advance and bring it to the conference on your preferred electronic device. This initiative not only helps reduce our environmental impact but also ensures that all information is easily accessible and always at your fingertips.

Thank you for supporting our move towards a more sustainable conference experience.

Poster session

Join us for our Poster Sessions!

  • Dates: Sep 13 (Wed) and Sep 14 (Thu)
  • Time: 9:10-9:50AM
  • Place: 2F Lobby

Posters will be displayed throughout the conference, but poster presenters will be present for discussions and Q&A during the designated times mentioned above. Don’t miss this opportunity to dive deep into their research, ask questions, and share insights. For online attendees, posters and presentation videos will appear in Whova. Go to the poster sessions, and ask questions, and share insights to the poster presentation using chat of Whova.

Conference Proceedings

You can access all the papers, but DOIs have not been activated yet. We are trying to figure out this issue. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Conference proceedings (published on Sep. 4, 2023)